Friday, September 23, 2016

Schoology and Powerschool

Schoology and Powerschool: How to track your student’s progress

With the shift to proficiency based learning, we are adapting our methods of communicating your student’s progress.  

You can find your student’s homework assignments (POWs, spelling lists, IS and LA projects, math homework) in Schoology.  Think of this as a digital assignment book.  

Powerschool will be used to communicate progress on proficiencies.   Once students have had some practice, and the lessons towards a particular proficiency, we will report on how they are doing with it.  You will know if your student is on track if your student has received a P (Proficient) or an AD (Advanced).  If your student has received a E (Emerging) or B (Beginning), it means that they have not met proficiency, yet.  Students may still be working towards this proficiency, so look back at this proficiency again to see if they improve to a P later in the year.  

For homework:   We will calculate homework on a three point scale.  This will fall under the Habit of Work, Responsibility and Organization.  If your student has a ‘P’ (proficient), that means they submitted their work on time.  If they have an ‘E’ (Emerging), that means they submitted their work late, or that it is incomplete.  If your student has ‘B’ (Beginning), it means that the assignment was not handed in.     

POWs:  POWs are going to be given once a week, like last year.  The subject area will rotate.  One week the POW will be given in IS, the next week it will be given in LA.  For LA, students should still submit their POWs to Schoology.  I will be assessing these in Powerschool as a homework assignment (see above).  I will write comments on these POWs in Schoology, to further student’s thinking, and as a communication tool for their writing.  I will give students opportunities to look at Schoology in class.  Their grade will appear to be a 0 in Schoology, as Schoology will not allow an assignment without a number attached to it. However, understand that the scores will be in Powerschool, not Schoology, and you should look there for their progress.

This is a new system for us!  We are working diligently to make it as smooth of a process as possible.  Feel free to communicate with us any questions you have.

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