Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December 2, 2015

Parker and Xavier sorting and ordering fractions.
Holiday Feast
ANNUAL QUEST TEAM HOLIDAY FEAST!  Each year, the Quest team has a holiday feast to celebrate our community, and the winter holidays.  We ask each student on the Quest Team to bring in a sample (4-6 servings) dish that their family enjoys eating – perhaps something traditional – and we have a big potluck lunch.  Students sign up for entertaining with singing, instrumental pieces, or other forms of appropriate entertainment.  The feast is held in the Quest team classrooms, and in the project room on our wing.  Family members are welcome!  Each student is expected to bring a dish, a drink such as cider or juice, a dessert, or paper products like plates, forks and knives (and napkins).  Please email Melissa Williams with what you can bring.  We ask everyone to bring something to contribute to our community.  

We are planning to have our Holiday Feast on Friday, December 18th at 11:00 (10:30 set up) - 12:00 / 12:15.   We will have live music, from our students!  We’ll need some adults to help us set up, so please let us know if you are available. Mark your calendar… we’ll send home official invitations soon! 

Scholastic Books  As the holiday season approaches, books are a great gift to give.  Scholastic book orders are due Wednesday, December 9, 2015.  You may order in two ways, through the flyer, or online at scholastic.com/reading club.  The online activation code is DX7NF.  Thanks!

Math We have started our journey into fraction land by exploring the size of fractions as well as equivalence.  Before the holiday break, we will also cover the addition, subtraction, and multiplication of fractions.  A lot of the work we do with fractions is built on the understanding of fraction models.  These models help students understand why procedures work.  It is the expectation that by the end of the unit students will not rely on these models for problem solving.  

Weekly Review- Be on the lookout for a weekly review worksheet that students will bring home for homework.  These problems will be practice of previously covered topics.

Language Arts - We are in the middle of our non-fiction unit.  During reader's workshop, students are reading independent non-fiction books based on interest and reading level.  Students are learning to find main ideas, and how to take notes using a "box and bullet" format.  We are working with new vocabulary as well.  During writer's workshop, students are writing a non-fiction piece about the information we are learning in Integrated Studies.  Most of these reports center on early humans and their characteristics.  We are writing "flash drafts," and then cutting and pasting these into main ideas where we then research more facts.  The skills we are learning in reading and writing will be used in independent inquiry projects in January.

Integrated Studies- We are in the middle of our Bones and Stones unit, which covers fossils and early humans.  Students are working in 'bands' to explore these topics and share their learning with the class through group presentations.

Winter Recess
As the winter weather approaches, we will continue to go outside for recess.  It is expected that students bring appropriate clothing (hats, gloves, and coats) out to recess.  Once the snow comes, sledding will be an optional activity and students will need snow pants to participate.  

Questions to ask at home:
What was the activity in AWOD this week?
What is your Bones and Stones name?
Which human species is your group presenting about?
Which fraction is greater 5/6 or 8/9?  How do you know?
Who was your favorite character in the "Percy Jackson" play?